Press release

The results of the project "Build Opportunities for Nourishments by Doing Sports" (B.O.N.D.S.)



“Build Opportunities for Nourishments by Doing Sports” (B.O.N.D.S.), a project co-funded by the Erasmus + Sport Program, was implemented by the Association SePoate in partnership with three foreign organizations (Asd Margherita Sport e Vita Basket in Italy, the Lithuanian Sports University; Trend-Prima in Slovenia) during January-December 2018.

The overall objective of the project was to promote active citizenship by encouraging the participation of all individuals in sports, physical and volunteer activities, without being limited to ethnicity, religion, age, gender, nationality and health.

Among the most important results of the project we mention:

1. Guide of Good Practice for promoting the participation in physical activities affordable in any context, recommendations concerning the inclusion of sports activities in everyday life, a summary of events during the implementation period and the four walking tours made in the four partner countries within the project.

2. The study on sport, nourishment and lifestyle in the four European countries;

3. The BONDSPORT Platform, where you can view tutorials that promote various types of sports activities.

4. A photo exhibition organized at Bucharest City Hall with the most relevant photos taken on walking tours promoted to improve the participation in physical activity by all.

The final conference of the project, organized in Bucharest on December 14, 2018, brought together representatives of public institutions and Romanian non-governmental organizations interested in sports, as well as volunteers of the Association Se Poate.

More details about the project and its results can be found at and


Asociația Se Poate,


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